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Transformative programs for transformative leaders

Our Programs

Tomorrow’s Jewish future starts with today’s educators. Transform with us.

At Legacy Heritage Fund, we believe that a strong, vibrant Jewish future starts with enhancing Jewish education. That’s why we’re committed to growing the next generations of professional and volunteer leaders in Jewish educational spaces. Are you ready to transform with us?  

Better to Serve

Sustained service experiences for sustained impact.

Currently, the majority of teen programs offer volunteer opportunities just four times a year or less–and usually just for a couple of hours. Better to Serve aims to change that. Our two-year service-learning program for 10th-12th graders empowers teens to truly become change-makers in their communities, making a real and sustained impact on the issues that matter to them.

Better Together

Bridging generations, building community.

Better Together Grants fund transformational, intergenerational programs that bring teens and seniors together for meaningful Jewish experiences rooted in authentic relationships. The result? Teens solidify and strengthen their sense of Jewish identity, and seniors feel valued and connected.


Great schools start with great teamwork.

IDEAS brings together key members of school leadership teams to work together to strengthen and empower their schools. Our goal? To help schools create a successful leadership environment where everyone is on everyone else’s team–laying the foundation for schools to advance from good to great.

MidCareer Fellowship

Take the next step in your Jewish professional journey.

Are you looking to advance your career in the North American Jewish Community? Want to improve your skills and network with other professionals? The MidCareer Fellowship provides ambitious Jewish leaders with subsidies to complete their MA in Jewish Education or Nonprofit Management.

Nachshon Project

Think deeply. Play hard. Find your way.

You’re the kind of person who is all about making a difference. So, how will you turn that into a career? The Nachshon Project Fellowship helps participants explore a wide range of career paths that make an impact on the future of Jewish life–all while soaking up the sun in Israel with a group of 40 incredible young leaders from across North America.


Better boards, people, passion, and purpose.

Being on a board shouldn’t be boring. OnBoard harnesses the power of Jewish learning and marries it with cutting-edge best practices and coaching to help Jewish organizations create strong, vibrant boards–boards that go on to generate dramatic impact for their institutions.


Do you have what it takes to lead your board?

This new, nationwide leadership and learning initiative is designed specifically for incoming board chairs and chairs-elect of Jewish organizations, together with their CEOs. Learn the true meaning of leading with Jewish values–and build a sustainable culture of intentional leadership and effective organizational governance.

Project Accelerate

Building capacity today, for success tomorrow.

Project Accelerate builds the capacity of high performing, innovative, small and mid-sized organizations in the Jewish community that are poised to enter a new stage of growth and development. Through tailored training seminars, mentoring, and peer support, senior leaders will strengthen their skills and expand their organization’s potential.

Teacher Institute

Empowering teachers to transform their classrooms–and their schools.

Great teachers shouldn’t have to choose between careers in the classroom or in administrative roles. Our innovative Teacher Institute programs were designed to create a new hybrid breed of “Teacher Leaders”–exceptional teachers who are empowered to take on influential leadership roles in their schools, without sacrificing hands-on classroom time.

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